stables_large_outside-300x201Autumn Introspection Weekend with Yoga & Ayurveda

26 Oct – 29 Oct with Ratna Bhavani & Katie Worsdell

November is a time of the year when the summer is behind us making way for the winter of cold and quiet giving us an opportunity to retreat, to hibernate and go within. This is a time for introspection, inner nurturing and future planning. It is a time to sow seeds for the new season, the New Year or the new you.

Spend this weekend learning how Yoga & Ayurveda can help to bring harmony to your mind, body and emotions. We will make a special journey into our inner and outer, physical and subtle, and mental and spiritual world applying practices that are used by the sister sciences, Yoga and Ayurveda to balance ourselves. There will be a special focus on Jnana Yoga, Mouna, reflection and contemplation.

Please note : most part of this retreat will be in silence

Cost : £499 per person for dormitory accommodation. There is a £25 discount available if booked by the 30 May 2017. A £75 non-refundable deposit is required to secure your space.

Included : Ayurvedic food, yoga, meditation, yoga nidra, Yoga and Ayurveda workshops and dormitory accommodation.

Venue : TBA

Retreat Leaders

RATNA BHAVANI is an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Yoga Teacher who has been practicing for over 12 years. Her main interest is in bringing the two sciences together so one can have a 360 degrees understanding about health as advocated by the Vedic sciences. Ratna also enjoys sharing information in a way that is realistic and practical and guides the student/client to start their journey into holistic health in a way they feel most comfortable with. Her methods and techniques are simple and accessible. To find out more about Ratna please go to the About us page for more information.


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