“A community is a social unit with commonality such as norms, religion, values, customs or identity” Wikipedia. Often communities like to remain together when doing things to strengthen their bond or simply because they may find it difficult to communicate or integrate into a wider section of the public for various restraints.
Yoga today is taught in expensive set ups with bright lights and high fees and people wearing clothes that sometimes can exclude some members of the public. This is where For Balance has stepped in. We wish to be able to provide an opportunity for everyone to be able to practice yoga and meditation in their own environment that feels most comfortable to them. We respect and value each and every individual and are offering very economical classes to communities at their own space. We are happy to come to you in a temple, church, mosque, banqueting halls or even your home to deliver a class that will benefit everyone.
Get in touch with us for at info@forbalance for more details