Wellness Massage Treatments
Wellness Treatments are used for general relaxation or a way of giving the body a “service” every week or month according to your resources. These are all tailor-made to your body type and present imbalances.
Body Treatments
1 hour treatments : Prices from £60
Relaxing massage (Mardana Abhyanga £60) This is a relaxing massage used to pacify the doshas and the tired body and mind. The massage strokes used are gentle and soothing allowing you to totally relax and sleep.
Revitalizing massage (Marma Abhyanga £65) This is a revitalizing massage of the marma points (energy point junctions) that stimulates the circulatory, immune and nervous systems. This revitalising massage helps to restore vital energy which at times stagnates and makes your vulnerable to illness. This massage clears these blockages by stimulating and pacifying the doshas. It targets the five senses bringing harmony which is then experienced through the intellect, enlivening and healing the imbalances in the body and mind.
Head Massage (Shiroabhyanga)
£50 – 45mins
This is a fantastic treatment to quickly relieve stress!
This method of head massage concentrates on “marmas” or energy points of the head, neck and shoulders. A range of different massage pressures and rhythms are used to stimulate the senses, increase blood circulation, encourage healing, and leave the body and mind completely rejuvenated. The massage includes the head, neck, shoulders and arms.
Face Massage (Mukhyabhyanga)![34_266_82cb5cdb](https://forbalance.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/34_266_82cb5cdb.jpg)
£60 – 1hour
An Ayurvedic facial with herbs and aromatic oils increase flow of energy as ‘“marma points” are gently massaged. The facial rejuvenation treatment relaxes and restores areas around the forehead, eyes, nose and mouth and uplifts the facial muscles, eases neck and shoulder tension. Continuous treatments remove fine lines, sagging features, muscles affected by tiredness and stress, skin problems and poor circulation, leaving your skin relaxed, revitalised and glowing ! The treatment finishes with a deep penetrating herbal mask.